
Fauhilm is a continent found East of The Staggering Sea. In this Animal Kingdom, anthropomorphic creatures make out the majority of the population. The northern societies are mainly nomadic in the grass plains and bordering savannah, but cities of trade have emerged over on the coasts to trade with the Lifgardian sailors.


Step 1) I traced the original world map sketch (Fig.1) onto a new piece of paper using my newly acquired Lightpad.

Step 2) Using the Isometric grid I keep underneath my lightpad, I framed the new sketch and marked the size of each segment. (Fig.2)

Step 3) Doubling the size of each segment, I used the grid to create a larger copy of the continent on a new A4 page. I then copied the general shape of the terrain into it. (Fig. 3)

Step 4) Creating another copy of the terrain, I started placing the settlement locations in rough association to the old references I had laying around. I also added a few more settlements to fill in the coast a bit more. (Fig 4) I also proceeded to name every settlement. The names are in Germanic since each continent uses a different root language to their naming conventions. Since Lifgard is Norse, I decided to make Fauhilm Germanic.

Step 5) The final copy of the settlement page included the major landmarks, such as the mountain ranges and rivers. These were slightly altered from older references. (Fig.5) I moved the rivers a bit to give a wider birth to places like Oase and Edelfelsen, which are supposed to be in Badlands & Mesa biomes.

Result) I inked two copies with traditional Pen & Quill; A limited version for the party, with locations they are familiar with, and a “Dungeon Master’s Copy”, which includes the names and locations the party is yet to uncover.
Here is the (current) final result:


After finishing this map, I noticed a queer detail: Both Lifgard and Fauhilm have mountain ranges on the same latitude, creating one larger crater of sorts across the two continents. In this continent, most humanoid civilizations are located. Perhaps this coincidence originates from my desire for natural borders as a level designer, but it does allow for some interesting world building.

I can now emphasize this feature in the lore and really go “wild” with lands outside of this crater. The continents outside of this crater are mostly unknown to historians, and largely unexplored still. Everything outside of the crater is considered too wild and “untamed” for human civilization to expand towards, but this only allows for greater adventures and expeditions to be written!

From the overgrown lands of Sutheim, to the floating Breccan Isles above the Hollow Sea or the home of giants in Eldgard, the true mysteries are still waiting to be uncovered in the world of monsters.